Fifteen-minute consultation: How to undertake an effective video consultation for children, young people and their familiesHannah Zhu, Stacy John-Legere, Mark Butler, Emily Hamilton, Jessica Ruth Turnbull
28 September 2020
Fifteen minute consultation: When can I use a medical app?Gala Rowe-Setz, Wilhelm Behringer, Damian Roland, Mark D Lyttle, Haiko Kurt Jahn
18 September 2020
Fifteen-minute consultation: Does this child have COVID-19 (and does it matter)?Caroline Ponmani, Damian Roland
26 October 2020
Fifteen-minute consultation: Airway management in the acutely unwell child requiring intubation for the general paediatricianPeter Shires, Georgina Harlow, Agata Holecova
11 September 2021
Fifteen-minute consultation: What do I do with a baby born to a mother with tuberculosis?Lynne Speirs, Elizabeth Whittaker
8 September 2020
Fifteen-minute consultation: A practical approach to remote consultations for paediatric patients during the COVID-19 pandemicNiamh Galway, Gemma Stewart, Julia Maskery, Thomas Bourke, Claire Teresa Lundy
24 August 2020
Fifteen-minute consultation: The overweight teenage girl with acneJessica Gubbin, Katie Malbon
31 August 2020
Fifteen-minute consultation: Paediatric organ and tissue donationAnju Singh, Angie Scales, Reinout Mildner
26 August 2020
Fifteen-minute consultation: An approach to the child receiving glucocorticoidsSai-Kalyani Kanthagnany, Laura C Lane, Claire Wood, Pooja Sachdev, Amanda Jane Drake, Timothy Cheetham
7 August 2020
Fifteen-minute consultation: Point of care ultrasound in the management of paediatric shockJames A Hardwick, Michael J Griksaitis
7 August 2020